BATMAN3D - By the way "Thank you" for this book! For years I have wondered and looked for it. I just now started doing a little bit of buying on eBay. Kinda seems crazy but, ever since I turned 60, I long for the things of my childhood. This was one of those good memories. I smiled as I opened the box ... It's a book I will always treasure. I appreciate the fact the comic book was just as you described. I am finding out there are sellers out there that are somewhat deceptive. |
Hello serious collectors. This is my Best Offer/Trade Gallery, which means I would like to hear from you of what you have to trade if you are interested in any of these pieces. But do not be confused, I will sell anything here for cash as well. Some of the pieces do not have values due to rarity in the market place and/or just being an exceptional example. Please do not be afraid to engage me in conversation regarding this gallery as that's what it is for. I am trying to allow the market to determine the value of these pieces that I consider worthy of that process.
- Thank you, Anthony Snyder